



  Yinnetharra sapphires:    There is a unique locality in far northwestern Australia that recently came to my attention.  It is a source of some of the most unusual twins and clusters I have seen.  It has been described as Yinnietharra (Yinnetharra); also, Eudamullah Station, Gascoyne, Western Australia.  It was a well-kept secret, until now - enjoy these truly strange but fascinating corundums!  They almost add credence to the statement:  "Some rocks are more unique than others!"

My favorites are the bladed twins that look almost like cuttlefish (two large ones appear in the first three images) and the radiating "spaghetti-like" clusters: for example, the first four images in the second row, which sometimes are very pale pink (in the daytime).    An article on the locality is being prepared.

If you are interested in some for your own collection, please email me at wheierman@corunduminium.com The ones pictured here are not for sale. (WH  3/17/09)


Pictures are thumbnails - click on them to see higher resolution images.

  "The Angel" is in the first two images.   "Bladed crystals" (probably extremely flattened hexagonal pyramids) are apparent on these specimens.  


  The first two images below are of the same four specimens ("front" and "back").   Many of the crystals resemble beige "sand calcite" or have a pinkish hue, but note the greenish body color of the large one in the fifth photo.  

  Undara, Queensland  
Lava fields of Queensland, vic. Undara produce dark blue "dog tooth" sapphires of volcanic origin.  Some larger ones, a twin, and a barrel-shaped crystal appear on the right.  The smooth, rounded surfaces are probably due to the intense heat within the rising magmas that brought them to the surface; almost melting them in the process!

    This unusual crystal, found many years ago in Queensland, was brought to Tucson in 2011, and it is now part of our collection.   Aside from its large size, it has some interesting twinning and rutilization.